Hyperether (Chaos) theory foundations

Shelov B.F.




The author proceeds from a hypothesis of existence of the Hyperether, providing identity of all physical processes and phenomena in any inertial frames. Generally accepted, experimentally confirmed physical laws are postulated only: the principle of relativity of Galilee-Einstein, the laws of mechanics of Newton and the law of charge conservation. All other laws, properties and principles are deduced from here. The equations providing homogeneity of the Hyperether by velocities of it's mechanical particles and the principle of an exchange by impulses are deduced from the requirement of invariancy of the Hyperether considered as a mechanical environment. From here the concept of a photon as a virtual particle moving in the Hyperether rectilinearly and uniformly is deduced. General wave equation is deduced from the requirement of invariancy of wave processes in the Hyperether. From here as consequence the quantum law of wave transmission is deduced. The permanence of registered velocity of light is not postulated, and is deduced as a special case of invariancy of wave processes. In article it is proved, that Hyperether is the only exact physical realization of Brownian motion, and that inertial movement of a body in the Hyperether is a stochastic markovian process. It is proved, that inertia and gravitation are caused by interaction of bodies with accelerated Hyperether. The substantiation of electric fields as streams of negatively and positively charged photons is given also.


PACS numbers: 01.55.+b, 02.50.Ey, 11.10.Cd, 11.20.Jb


About author:

Shelov Boris, Russia, Moscow, the Moscow State University graduate (faculty of mathematics and mechanics, 1967-1972), the candidate of sciences on a speciality "Technical cybernetics" (1984). Now I'm a director of the firm "Program production and automatic systems" (PPAS) and an employee of the Management of automatic systems and telecommunications of the Open Society "Moscow city telephone network".



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